New Condo Regulations Have Been Put on Hold by the Province
Today the Government of Alberta announced that the Regulations and amendments to the Condominium Property Act that were to come into force July 1, 2019, are on hold until January 1, 2020. You can view the Province's announcement here.
The Government is undertaking a six-month review to determine if the Regulations are suitable or if they cause more administrative burden or challenge for condo boards, owners and corporations.
It is important to note that the amendments are only on hold. There is no way to know at this point what, if anything, will be changed. The Government is committing only to a review.
To date, we have been drafting bylaws in accordance with the amendments that were passed and proclaimed to be in force July 1, 2019. Going forward we recommend that bylaws continue to be drafted in compliance, but some corporations may want to delay passage of the bylaws until we have further information. Depending on an individual Corporation’s circumstances, it may be in its best interest to continue to move forward and pass new bylaws. In any event, we do not recommend stopping the bylaw amendment process entirely. Come January 1, 2020, there could be some minor revisions necessary.
We will continue to update you as information becomes available.